Life Status Survey
Men’s Life Status Survey
The purpose of this tool is to give you an opportunity to reflect on your life to see if there are areas of your life that could be strengthened/improved upon. A satisfying life is made of many core ingredients. This survey asks you questions in six important life areas.
Social Support
Are you getting the amount of people contact you need each day?
Do you tend to isolate yourself?
Do you often feel lonely?
Are your needs for romantic/sexual connections being met?
Do you have people you can routinely talk with about your concerns?
Do you feel like you get the amount of support you need in your life?
Purpose/meaning in life
To what extent do you feel your life has meaning/value?
What brings you meaning in your life?
To what extent do you feel part of a larger community/society?
How do you contribute to the lives of others? To your community/society?
Do you engage in practices that bring you peace and centeredness
How satisfied are you with your current career standing?
Is your current job congruent with your long term career goals?
Financial health
How satisfied are you with your current financial status?
How much do you worry about money?
Do you have sufficient resources to meet your expenses?
Are you saving for retirement?
Emotional Health
Do you feel happy most of the time?
Does stress negatively impact your work performance and/or relationships with others?
Do you routinely engage in activities which reduce your stress?
Do you routinely engage in activities which build your self-esteem?
Does your life feel balanced in terms of fun, relationships and work?
Personal growth/ challenge
Do you have specific personal goals you are working on?
Are you periodically stepping out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself?
Physical health
How satisfied are you with your current level of physical fitness?
Is your physical health limiting the type of life you want to lead?
Are you exercising/working out on a regular basis?
What could you do to improve your health status?
Do you have a medical provider?
Do you have a dentist?
Do you see your providers at least once a year?
Understanding your results
The purpose of this survey is to help you step back and take a broad look at your life. What areas of your life do you feel fulfilled? What areas need more attention? You may choose to share these results with your partner, family, trusted friend, health care provider or counselor. If you feel stuck or unsure about what to do next to address an issue, it might be a good time to seek help (see When to Seek help and Resource page). MRMC’s Men’s Mentoring Circle can be a helpful place to further explore some of these concerns (See MRMC services).