Man Quiz
The Man Quiz
The purpose of this quiz is to increase your awareness of how being a man affects your attitudes, feelings and behavior. Many men struggle with the issues listed in these questions.
When watching a sad movie do you try to resist the urge to cry?
Do you have difficulty expressing feelings of love, sadness, hurt, frustration or pain to your partner, friends, or family members?
Do you have a difficult time seeking help?
Do you ever postpone or avoid seeking medical services or getting routine medical tests?
Do you avoid engaging in health promoting behavior such as maintaining a healthy diet, using sun screen, engaging in a healthy workout routine, quitting smoking or wearing seat belts?
Do you sometimes engage in risk taking activities that unnecessarily put your health or life at risk?
Have you ever felt pressure to have sex with someone to “prove you are a man”.
Do you tend to judge yourself by how much money you make?
Do you ever use alcohol or drugs to cope with your feelings?
Have your ever regretted the way you expressed anger toward your partner/family member/ close friend?
Have you ever had sex with someone and realized that what you were really needed was feeling close to or wanted by someone?
Do you tend to isolate yourself when you are feeling upset?
Thank you for taking our quiz.
If you answered yes to most or all of the questions you are not alone. Many men struggle with these issues. We believe there are unlimited ways of being a man. How you chose to live your life as a man is your decision. We, the MRMC, are just wanting to encourage men to express their masculinity in ways that are healthy for them, those they care about, and our society at large. You may wish to keep your answers private. If you are concerned about your answers to some of these questions you may wish to share your concerns with a trusted friend or family member. If you are currently in counseling you may wish to share your concerns with your counselor or group leader. If you are not receiving counseling but would like assistance in locating a counselor (and live in Lane County) see resource section.
McKenzie River Men’s Center
“Helping men lead healthy lives”